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California - Nevada Pics
Oct, 2007
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Riding West on a long open highway. An unusual sign. Parked under the sign. What's this? Rumor has it this really happened.
The flying saucer that started the rumor.
Even Alien Chicks wear leather.
HOT Alien Chick with a 'seasoned 'Earthling Biker.
East entrance to Yosemite National Park.
Can you see the Elephant?
Looking down into the gourge.
El Capitan.
Let's charge the 'Tourists'.
Looking West at snow capped mountains.
Ready to ride down into 'Death Valley'.

Death Valleys own 'Sand Dunes'.

All ready for a good nights sleep. Ready and waiting for another days ride.
In case you were wondering how it works. Spinning around and making the electricity. The new bridge being built downstream from the Hover Dam.
Click here to check out Bridge status

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