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Who Is Diamond Jim
The Past
Another Journey
The Present
Young Pup
Happy Biker
Old Dog
The good old days
on a 1967 500 cc Triumph Daytona.
October - 1967
(Ya gotta love that jacket)


Smiling on a road trip in the Rockies.
Heading West on
US Highway 50 on a 2002 FXDL.
Same good days,
just a bit older and riding a 2012 FLTRU.

Just a guy who's been riding, repairing, mild customizing and taking road trips, (as I like to call them), on motorcycles since 1967. Notice that I said "Riding" and not "Trailering". Over fifty + years on the road with two Triumphs and six different model Harleys. Each one of them brings back found memories of previous years, especially during the time I spent in the military and had my "1967 Triumph Daytona 500" with me.

As a blue coller worker I spent much of my work life in the mechanical trade fields, primarily the HVAC trade, as a technician/supervisor/service manager/owner, and instructor. The last few years of work were spent in the Informational Technology Field as an IT Administrator, technician and instructor. Now the time is coming to step into the second chapter of life. Where the "FUN" really begins. I've officially retired!

Friends and acquaintances have ask me over the years where I've traveled on the motorcyle, what was it like, when is the next trip, and will I stop riding when I get older. Well here it is, years later, still riding, still taking trips and no, I don't plan to stop until I'm unable to ride. I'll convert to a Trike if I can't hold it up. Laugh all you want, at least I'll be riding for another thirty more years. I am just getting started. After I'm through working for a living, (July 2004) I'll be gearing up for my longest ride ever. North to Alaska, with a run up to Prudhoe Bay to check out the beach. ( Jumped in July 24, 2004.) It should make for an exciting ride.

Years ago when I took a trip on the bike, I would bring along my camera, film and tripod to take snapshots of where I had been and add them to the old photo album. Times changed and I added a bulky VHS camcorder to make videos of these trips. They too were added to a growing collection of other videos of where I had visited. NOT anymore. On this trip I'll be taking a digital camera, (upgraded to a Galaxy Note 3) and a laptop with wireless capabilities. During the ride I'll stop, take pictures, look at them, and if necessary, retake them again. On this trip I won't have to wait to see if the photographs taken developed ok weeks after I've been there. I'll also be keeping a journal of where I've been and interesting sites I've seen along the way. Later in the day or that evening, provided I can connect to the internet and upload them to my web site for all to see. Take the pictures, move them to the laptop, write about what I've seen, and upload. BADA BING, BADA BOOM. Technology, you gotta love it!

So stick around, check out the site. I'll be updating from time to time. Hope you like it.


Copyright © JL 2003