Why am I doing this site?

For some reason, people I know actually want to see what I'm up to when I take road trips on the bike. So hence this site.
Soon, (July 2004) to be out of work, I'll get to play on the WEB, and go out and RIDE! Or maybe it's the other way around. Either way I won't be working unless I want to, not because I have to!
I like Motorcycles. I like riding motorcycles. I like to customize my motorcycles. I like taking trips on motorcycles. It's as simple as that. Long ones, short ones, dry ones, wet ones, hot and cold, riding with the wind in your face. It's as close as you'll ever come to know what the early adventurers on horseback felt when they headed West to discover this great land over 200 years ago. ( Motorcycles)
During the past few years people that know me have been hearing me talk about riding to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. So now after all this time of "Talking the Talk" it's time for the Harley and me to "Walk the Walk". The trip will take place the end of June, 2004, to "Prudhoe Bay, Alaska". Actually, Deadhorse, Alaska. I've read that I'm not allowed to ride to the bay so Deadhorse will have to do. From there I'll need to take a tour to the Arctic Ocean.

I'll ride West through Utah, Nevada and California. Then North along the California coast into Oregon and Washington. Across the border into British Columbia, the Yukon and finally Alaska. It'll be a long and out of the way ride, but it'll be a fun ride. Yes I know, other people have done it, but I haven't!

Copyright © JL 2003