Ride for Freedom XVII
Washington D.C., 2004

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Getting Ready Fire Up We're Off Here we come Old Glory Waving us on ThPentagon
Waiting to Ride at East Cost Harley Davidson, Dumfries, VA.
Getting the signal to Fire up.
Off we go for "Rolling Thunder XVII".
. . .and we just keep coming.
Riding under
"Old Glory".
Well wishers along the route.
Converging on the Pentagon.
Oops Stopped

Backed up and no place to go

Now what
Filling up
Just Hanging
In front of the Pentagon
A problem?
The Pentagon parking lot is full.
Backing up on the Highway with no place to go.
Does anyone know where the porta pottys are located?
...and we still keep coming.
Just hanging around on the highway.
Still hanging in front of the Pentagon.
Rolling Memorial Bridge A Proud Vet Constitution Avenue Power Proud Family Both Sides
The Thunder Rolls into Washington D.C.
Over Memorial Bridge.
An old Vet rememebers with pride.
We are here!
This one says it all
A proud American family
Traveling up and down both sides of Constitution Avenue