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Sturgis 2005 Photos

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I was lucky enough to get bitten by a spider on the way up to Sturgis which caused my thigh to flare up from infection. Fourteen hours after I arrived, I spent the next six days at the Sturgis Comunity Health Care Center and the Rapid City Regional Hospital. While staying at both hospitals, the Doctors, Nurses and staff were great! I did however manage to get some photos of what little time I did spend in Sturgis after my hospital stay.
Click on the pictures for a larger view.
My home in Sturgis for two days.
My home in Rapid City for four days.
Base camp at Glencoe with the 'South Dakota Buffalos'.
The Old Stone House Saloon along highway 34, in South Dakota.A great little place to stop
for a cool one on the way to
'Devils Tower'.
'Devils Tower'
the nations first National Monument on September 24, 1906.
Devils Tower, rising 1,267 feet above the Belle Fourche River.A century-old general store and saloon on highway 24 in Aladdin, Wy.
1948 Whizzer restored.An original belt drive.
A slanted one lunger.A trophy for the Whizzer.Mr. Whizzer and the Grand Poobah discussing specifics.Buffungoal Brother!Party time with the Buffalos.
Looks like everyone is having a good time.
 This year I decided to Trailer. 
 All done for this year. See ya in

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Copyright © JL 2005