Utah Nevada California Washington
Oregon British Columbia Yukon Alberta Saskatchewan
North Dakota Alaska South Dakota
  Click any of the above locations to view the trip photos, then click on the photo to enlarge  
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Alaska Trip


A very long and lonely US Highway 50
But not a boring highway.
Ok, she's running. Lets go!
A newer model looking for premium gas.
A couple of oldies but goodies, coming up.
Don't see many of these on the road anymore.
Just a couple of guys out for a cruise on US Highway 50
    Check out the "GreatRace" here for future runs!    
What's this? A couple of chicks in a convertible following the cool guys?
Car 54, where are you?
Nevada side of Lake Tahoe looking West.
Looking South of Lake Tahoe.
Another view of the lake.
Looking North of Lake Tahoe.
A deep Aqua color.

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